In today's rapidly changing and economic society, municipalities deal with a day to day struggle with crime, finances, housing, taxes, code enforcement, etc. When the time comes to think outside the box, and your township/city needs to come up with a new plan but your team just can't think of something to make that big change, give Elite Training Solutions NJ a call. We will come to your township/city, evaluate high crime areas, abandoned homes, city owned and county run parks, downtown shopping areas (crime, traffic, foot traffic, etc). We will also study your night life (clubs, bars, sport bars, adult entertainment) and come up with plans to drastically reduce the city's crime rate. ETSNJ will also come up with ways of better training to handle the new units and divisions created to handle the new tasks set before them. An evaluation of your 911 call center or dispatch will also be included to see what can be done to reduce police response time, increase officer, fireman and EMS safety as well as the safety of the city's residents. With such a disconnection today between cities across the country and law enforcement, ETSNJ will also do an evaluation on your city's like or dislike for your department. With the data collected, we will come up with a suggested plan to really help build a strong bridge between the residents, business owners and the city's police department. Here at ETSNJ we can also help your legal department prepare the city's ordinance(s) for the city council to pass and turn into law. With so much work that has to be done, why hold off any longer. Contact Elite Training Solutions NJ today for an evaluation and a presentation. We are beyond confident that after our presentation, you will love what you see and hear and will want to move forward as quickly as possible. So send us an email or call us today. We're here for you 24/7.